Positive Behaviour

In keeping with our Core Mission Statement, Forge Integrated Primary Schools aims to provide a culture of positive behaviour which

  • Encourages a calm, purposeful and happy atmosphere
  • Fosters positive, caring attitudes towards everyone where achievements at all levels are valued
  • Encourages increasing independence and self-discipline so that each child learns to accept responsibility for their own behaviour
  • Has a consistent approach to behaviour throughout the school with parental co-operation and involvement,
  • Raises pupil self-esteem
  • Provides clear boundaries for acceptable behaviour to ensure physical and emotional safety,
  • Helps pupils, staff and parents to have  a sense of direction and a feeling of common purpose.

Positive Consequences (Rewards)

In Forge we believe that pupils should be encouraged to behave well and work hard.  We use a number of positive consequences.  We would like children to work and behave well for the pleasure of the task, but recognise that external consequences or rewards are necessary as well.  We use the following positive consequences:

  • Non-verbal rewards such as thumbs up or a smile;
  • Praise;
  • Showing work to another teacher and to the Principal;
  • Stickers;
  • Displaying work;
  • Whole class recognition at assembly.

We believe it is essential that all children are able to receive positive encouragement and have a fair chance to receive the positive listed.  Children’s success both in their work and behaviour will be measured against their previous performance rather than against that of the other children in their class.

Negative Consequences (Sanctions)

Sometimes it is necessary to discourage children from behaving badly and to teach them positive behaviours instead.  If a child misbehaves staff will ask him or her to stop the behaviour or discuss an incident with those involved.  Whenever possible staff will encourage the pupils to try to resolve disputes themselves and to take responsibility for their own actions.  A range of negative consequences might be used in the school.  These include:

  • Withdrawing attention;
  • Trying to make amends for upsetting or hurting others;
  • Writing a letter explaining why things went wrong (parents to sign letter);
  • Missing a break time;
  • Withdrawal of a privilege;
  • Discussion with
    • Head of KSI/2
    • Vice Principal
    • Principal

Positive Behaviour Policy

Positive Behaviour Rights and Responsibilities

Pupils have a right to:

  • Be valued as members of the school community;
  • Get help when they seek it, whether with their work or with bullying or other personal worries, and to have sympathetic audience for their ideas and concerns;
  • Make mistakes and learn from them;
  • Be treated fairly, consistently and with respect;
  • Be consulted about matters that affect them, and have their views listened to and, as far as is reasonable, acted upon;
  • Be taught in a pleasant, well managed and safe environment;
  • Work and play with clearly defined and fairly administered codes of conduct;
  • Experience a broad balanced and suitably differentiated curriculum, and to have any special learning needs identified and met;
  • Develop and extend their interests, talents and abilities.

Pupils have a responsibility to:

  • Come to school on time, with homework done, and suitably equipped for the lessons for the day ahead;
  • Respect the views, rights and property of others, and behave safely in and out of class;
  • Co-operate in class with the teacher and with their peers;
  • Work as hard as they can in class;
  • Conform to conventions of good behaviour and abide by school rules;
  • Seek help if they do not understand or are in difficulties;
  • Accept ownership for their own behaviour and learning, and to develop the skill of working independently.

Teachers have a right to:

  • Work in an environment where common courtesies and social conventions are respected;
  • Express their views and to contribute to policies which they are required to reflect in their work;
  • A suitable career structure and opportunities for professional development;
  • Support and advice from senior colleagues and external bodies;
  • Adequate and appropriate accommodation and resources.

Teachers have a responsibility to

  • Behave in a professional manner at all times;
  • Ensure that lessons are well prepared, making use of available resources, and that homework is appropriately set and
  • constructively marked;
  • Show interest and enthusiasm in the work in hand and in their pupils’ learning;
  • Listen to the pupils, value their contributions and respect their views;
  • Be sympathetic, approachable and alert to pupils in difficulty or falling behind;
  • Identify and seek to meet pupils’ special educational needs through the SEN  Code of Practice;
  • Share with the parents any concerns they have about their child’s progress or development;
  • Expect high standards and acknowledge effort and achievement;
  • Pursue opportunities for personal and professional development.

Parents have a right to:

  • A safe, well managed and stimulating environment for their child’s education;
  • Reasonable access to the school and to have their enquiries and concerns dealt with sympathetically and efficiently;
  • Be informed promptly if their child is ill or has an accident, or if the school has concerns about their child;
  • Be well informed about their child’s progress and prospects;
  • Be well informed about school rules and procedures;
  • A broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum for their child;
  • Be involved in key decisions about their child’s education;
  • A suitably resourced school with adequate and well-maintained accommodation.

Parents have a responsibility to:

  • Ensure that their child attends school regularly and arrives in good time, with homework done, and suitably equipped for the lessons in the day ahead;
  • Be aware of school rules and procedures, and encourage their child to abide by them;
  • Show interest in their child’s classwork and homework, where possible, provide suitable facilities for studying at home;
  • Act as positive role models for their child in their relationship with the school;
  • Attend planned meetings with teachers and support school functions;
  • Provide the school with all the necessary background information about their child, including telling the school promptly about any concerns they have about school, or any significant change in their child’s medical needs or home circumstances.

Board of Governor’s Responsibilities

  • To provide the framework within which the principal and staff can determine the discipline measures
  • To assist the school fulfil its aims and objectives