School uniform consists of:
White or pale blue poloshirt or shirt/blouse.
Forge IPS sweatshirt or fleece.
Trousers/shorts, skirt/pinafore, navy or black.
White/navy tights or socks.
Shoes - appropriate flat shoes, black.
PE t-shirt, shorts and trainers.
Blue summer dress.
School sweatshirts, polo shirts, fleeces and raincoat are purchased through local shops. Our main supplier is Truly Fayre on the Ormeau Road. Other suppliers may be available.
PE kit can be kept in a bag in the classroom. A change of footwear for indoors (PE slippers) is essential as children play outside during break and lunch times. Slippers and school sweatshirts/fleeces all need to be named; it cuts down the amount of lost property enormously! For safety reasons all jewellery must be removed for PE and swimming.